Lawyer Who Helped Get Abortions Banned Will Contribute To HIV’s Spread In Jesus’ Name
Minding your business costs less than tithe and is just as important.
Minding your business costs less than tithe and is just as important.
What can we expect from a Justice Neil Gorsuch when it comes to state-legal marijuana?
We highlight steps lawyers should consider to move toward their desired outcomes.
* If you think the federal government is preparing a military takeover of Texas... you might be a redneck. And you might also be Governor Greg Abbott. [Forbes] * Elie says it's time to end the expansive powers of arrest, for the good of everyone. [New York Daily News] * Most of the 2016 presidential hopefuls are breaking the law. It's good practice for if they win. [LFC 360] * Not to dismiss the important point made in this article about substandard housing and the dangers of lead paint, but I think there may be other lessons to learn from Freddie Gray. [Washington Post] * Satanic Temples are taking this RFRA thing and running with it. [Jezebel] * Over in the EU, Louis Vuitton failed to win back the trademark it claims on its checkerboard pattern. [Fashionista] * I've not read this yet, but here's a collection of Legal Notices To Superheroes. Per the description, "A Letter to Superman from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services" has a lot of promise. [Amazon (affiliate link)] * And remember to vote for the winner of the 2015 ATL Law Revue contest. Voting concludes Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST. [Above the Law]
* Nationwide Layoff Watch: Steptoe & Johnson (no, not that Steptoe, the other one). [ABA Journal] * Personally I prefer my coffee with whole milk, thank you very much. [CBS Minnesota] * And I wouldn't get violent over salsa -- but guacamole is another story. [Lowering the Bar] * Attending CLE while intoxicated: grounds for suspension, or brilliant idea? [Legal Profession Blog] * Professor Steve Sanders on Indiana RFRA's "political jiu jitsu: all the force and passion that had impelled the RFRA forward suddenly got turned against its proponents, to devastating effect." [Huffington Post] * What's your favorite word of legalese? [Library of Congress]
* The Supreme Court decided that government-issued GPS trackers violate 4th Amendment. My GPS device is my phone -- can we get on protecting that? [Gizmodo] * More on the subtle differences between the Indiana RFRA and the post-Hobby Lobby landscape. Specifically, the Indiana Act's provision on private suits, which are the subject of a circuit split at the federal level. [Washington Post] * Professor Jonathan Lipson reviews what ATL's Converge conference had to say about the future of law. [The Temple 10-Q] * The Supreme Court doesn't want to hear from ever lawyer under the sun on the marriage equality cases. The parties just announced their picks to make the argument. [Lyldennews] * Another day, another law student busted for sex with a minor. Maybe crim law needs to move up that age of consent lecture to day 1. [The Columbus Dispatch] * Up and coming Supreme Court challenges to Obamacare for everyone still raging against the dying of the light. [Washington Post / The Volokh Conspiracy] * Congratulations to Steven J. Harper, who is finally headed home from the hospital after a lengthy stay under apparently Kafka-esque conditions. [The Lawyer Bubble]
Conservative columnist Tamara Tabo offers her reflections on the Supreme Court's ruling in Hobby Lobby.
How to make the right decision, and why there might be another way to shape a fulfilling legal career on your own terms.
Hobby Lobby and the gangsta life of Justice Alito.
* Professor Ann Althouse’s analysis of today’s Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood arguments before SCOTUS. [Althouse] * Professor Nelson Tebbe’s take on the proceedings. [Balkinization] * Finally, a very Jezebel assessment: “Supreme Court Prepares to F**k Up This Birth Control Thing.” [Jezebel] * “JUDGE TO PORN TROLLS: IP Addresses Aren’t People.” [Instapundit] * YouTube videos and text messages surface in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial. [IT-Lex] * “Her” was an excellent movie — and it might contain lessons for lawyers and the legal profession, as John Hellerman argues. [Hellerman Baretz]